


Topics covered


Laying out a detailed timeline from when the riot began with the assault on the perimeter to the first breach of the Capitol Building at the Senate Wing Door.

Tactical Analysis

Exploring the failure of the police defense, and answering the question of whether the police “opened the doors” or allowed the breach to happen.


Examining the particular perspectives of different individuals and groups on the scene.

Source Materials

Providing detailed analysis based on an extensive review of source material, including reports, eyewitness interviews, and a synchronization of nearly 200 video clips.

Crowd Control Tactics

Showing the crowd control tactics used by the police, including the extensive use of flashbangs


On January 6th, tactical failures and crowd psychology intersected to create a situation where one of the most well guarded buildings in America was overrun by an angry crowd. In preparing this documentary, we have examined an extensive array of source material including countless hours of video, reports, and eyewitness testimony.

Capitol Breach Timeline

Riot Begins

12:53 PM
Trump supporters rush a lightly manned police barricade at the edge of Capitol Grounds, causing the police to retreat. Click anywhere to see clip.
January 06, 2021
12:53 PM

West Plaza Line Forms

12:59 PM
Arriving reinforcements allow the police to form a solid line across the West Plaza. Crucially, this line does not extend to cover the bottom of the Northwest staircase. Click anywhere to see clip.
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM


1:20 PM
Police begin deploying flashbangs into the rapidly swelling crowd, which caused numerous injuries and were possibly involved in the deaths of Benjamin Philips and Kevin Greeson. Click anywhere to see clip.
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

Northwest Staircase Retreat 1

1:48 PM
A motorcycle Capitol Police officer shoves an apparently peaceful protester, leading to a scuffle in which the police retreat up the staircase, away from the main police line. Click anywhere to see clip.
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

Vargo Push

2:02 PM
The same motorcycle officer pushes Derrick Vargo off the Northwest staircase as Vargo is climbing on the outside of the railing, causing severe injury. Click anywhere to see clip.
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

Northwest Staircase Retreat 2

Just after Vargo is carried away on an improvised stretcher, the police on the Northwest staircase retreat again under a barrage of projectiles, leaving open paths to multiple unguarded doors. Click anywhere to see clip.
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

Senate Wing Door Breach

2:12 PM
Rioters kick open the Senate Wing Door after breaking through the adjacent windows. Click anywhere to see clip.
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

East Rotunda (Columbus) Doors Breach

2:24 PM
Senate Wing Door entrants open the East Rotunda Doors from the inside, apparently using the emergency fire release. Click anywhere to see clip.
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

West Terrace Doors Opened

2:33 PM
Police open the West Terrace Doors from the inside to encourage Senate Wing Door entrants to exit, though they eventually allow 300 more to enter instead. Click anywhere to see clip.

January 01, 2021
12:00 AM


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